Study Medicine in Georgia (MBBS or MD)

Study Medicine in Georgia (MBBS or MD)
The medical profession is one of the oldest professions known to mankind, as it dates back to the time of the ancient Egyptians. It is one of the sciences that most benefit society by working to raise the health level of individuals, and providing medical advice to them, and it is one of the most professionally required specialties in most countries of the world, as the doctor has many opportunities to work in hospitals, government and private health centers and centers Health research and many fields.
Many people ask
Are degrees from universities in Georgia accredited?
The subject of accreditation and recognition has levels and degrees, for example local recognition of the state itself, European recognition, recognition of organizations and recognition in a particular country, for example the Georgian universities recognized in Egypt or Jordan.
Special recognition for a specific country is on universities or specific courses, and you can easily get to know them from the website of the Ministry of Education for your country or the country in which you would like to work.
Recommended universities in Georgia and accredited in Egypt to study medicine in Georgia
- Tbilisi State Medical University – TSMU
- Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University TSU
- Ilia Chavchavadze State University
- Georgian Technical University GTU
- Black Sea International University BAU .
Recommended universities in Georgia and accredited in Jordan to study medicine in Georgia
- Petre Shotadze Tbilisi Medical Academy TMA
- European University EU.
- Caucasus International University ( CIU).
- Georgian National University SEU.
- Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University TSU
- Ilia Chavchavadze State University
- Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University BSU.
- Tbilisi State Medical University – TSMU
- New Vision University NVU
Generally, the country of Georgia has a membership in the Blogna process and the European Higher Education Area. This means that medical specialty certificates issued by Georgia are recognized in European countries and the United States.
As for local recognition, all of these universities displayed on the screen are recognized by the Georgian Ministry of Education * and the local Center for Quality Education Development, known as EQE, according to the 2021 update. You can check your university via the EQE website before applying and registering.
As for global recognition, most of the Georgian universities that study human medicine are recognized by the World Health Organization WHO, and the educational body for graduates of foreign doctors is ECFMG, meaning graduates of human medicine from Georgia are eligible for the American certificate test or USMLE and apply for the American fellowship without any problems, and other bodies that recognize The Georgian certificates include
United Nation Organization
International Association of Universities
European Universities Association
We spoke a lot about recognition and, God willing, we have a close video about the recognized Georgian universities in Arab countries
Save the subject of tuition fees
Tuition fees to study medicine in Georgia (MBBS or MD)
University fees are constantly increasing due to the continuous large numbers of foreign students, and a growth rate of 20% every year.
In 2018, the number of foreign students in Georgia reached more than 14 thousand students of all nationalities.
The tuition fee for studying human medicine for the year 2020 was 4800 dollars a year as a minimum and the most expensive university to study medicine was 12500 dollars a year
But the average price for most universities in the capital, Tbilisi, ranges from 6000 to 7000 dollars a year.
As for the cost of studying dentistry, it is often less than human medicine, at $ 1,000 a year. The same applies to pharmacy and physiotherapy specialties. Prices for dentistry, pharmacy and physiotherapy range from 4,500 to 6,000 on average.
How do you pay the installments? The first year fees must be paid in full for one year, and for the following years most universities accept payments each semester. I mean, it is paid twice a year at the beginning of each semester,
And due to the Corona pandemic, some universities have allowed the semester fees to be paid in installments up to 3 payments, and this is after filling out a special application form.
When do you pay tuition fees to study medicine in Georgia (MBBS or MD)?
Some universities require a premium of the amount before issuing the study invitation paper, and in the event that the student is unable to enter Georgia or not obtain an academic visa, in this case the university will refund the amount.
But most universities do not ask for this step, so they pay when you come here to Georgia.
The method of payment varies according to the sending bank. The university will provide you with information on international transfers via e-mail, but if the student is inside Georgia, he can transfer the amount by visiting any bank in Georgia, for example TBC Bank or Bank of Georgia, or by using the mobile application if he has an account in a bank Georgie.
Stages of studying medicine in Georgia (MBBS or MD)
Many countries require you to pass the preparatory year in medical school, in Georgia you often need this step if your English is good.
The total number of credit hours for human medicine in Georgia is 360 credit. Each semester studies 30 credits, meaning 12 semesters are required to complete 360 credit. The same method in dentistry, each semester has 30 credits.
The first and second year students study basic subjects such as anatomy, physiology, histology, biochemistry, and the basics of microbiology and immunology. Most of them are theoretical lessons with a little on the practical side, for example in histology. You will work on the microscope.
And in Clinkle Scales materials to teach emergency situations, first aid, basics of surgical sutures and dressings in practical classes.
The third year studies pathology, pathology, pharmacology, pharmacology, radiology, and supplementation of microbiology, immunology, and patient diagnostics. This year, you start to go to the hospital and see patients only lightly.
In the fourth and fifth year, the student moves to clinical medicine and studies surgery, internal medicine, neurology, dermatology, urology and emergency medicine, I mean, in short, he takes a general view and idea of all specialties, and with each major he has a schedule of rotation or working hours in the hospital in the same specialty he is studying and a certain number of hours that he needs to complete.
In the sixth year, the student completes the remaining courses of medicine, such as anesthesiology, clinical pharma, statistics and epidemiology.
There is no internship year in Georgia because the teaching method in Georgia for recent years covers the practices that are supposed to be in the internship year. However, you must know the Georgian language if you want to work in Georgia. But as a foreign student, you will rarely find someone interested in continuing their medical career in Georgia. From here, everyone prepares to test the country in which they intend to work.
Requirements to study medicine in Georgia (MBBS or MD)
Of course, you must have a valid passport. A high school diploma or a 12-year completion certificate is a requirement for ministerial admission. It is imperative to study scientific subjects such as biology and chemistry for admission to the College of Medicine, and mastering the English language is necessary and at least B1 level because the study is in the English language.
Few universities provide direct communication and registration for students without the need for a registration office, but most universities deal with registration offices. The advantage in your dealings with the registration office is that all your transactions are fast, clear and enjoy advantages other than enrollment and registration at the university.
How to apply to study medicine in Georgia (MBBS or MD)
Yalla to Georgia is an Arab company for student and tourism services in Georgia, and it will support you in everything from choosing the right university for you, through university and ministerial registration, issuing the study invitation and visa, arranging travel to Georgia, reception, finding suitable accommodation, opening a bank account, issuing Georgian residency, and making a tour A comprehensive introduction to the city until the student settles down. The role of Yalla to Georgia does not end here, the student is in constant contact with the company during his time in the country.