Tuition fees for universities in Georgia 2021

Tuition fees for universities in Georgia 2021

Tuition Fees at Universities in Georgia in 2021

Tuition fees at universities in Georgia are relatively low compared to the other European countries

Tuition fees at CIU Caucasus International University

About the University: The Caucasus International University (CIU) is an institution of higher education that is based on national values ​​and constant changes, and aims to produce qualified and highly qualified employees and their integration in the national and international sphere.

Higher education is one of the most important public responsibilities. Therefore, we strive to make the education we receive at our university comprehensive, based on scientific research. Three academic stages (Bachelor's, Master's, and Doctoral programs) focus on students - enhancing their talents and raising their professional skills. Implementation of research, innovation and management of the educational system with the help of comprehensive transparent tools are among the main priorities of the CIU.

Nowadays Caucasus International University has every requirement to compete in both national and international spheres.

ProgramAnnual Tuition Fees
الرسوم السنوية
عدد سنوات الدراسة
عدد الساعات الأكاديمية
Medicine 5500 USD6365الطب العام
Dentistry 4500 USD5300طب الأسنان
Business Administration BBA3500 USD4240بكالوريوس إدارة الأعمال
Master’s of International Marketing3500 USD2120ماجستير في التسويق
Master’s in Global Policy and Security3000 USD2ماجستير السياسة العالمية ودراسات الأمن
Preparatory Language course800 Lari (around 250 USD)10 weeks74 or 60السنة التحضيرية

Tuition fees at European University

About the European University in Tbilisi

The European University is a licensed educational institution, which carries out higher education programs according to the rules stipulated by law and issues a qualification certificate recognized by the state. And from European and international organizations such as the World Health Organization’s global directory of medical schools, the Indian Medical Council (MCI), the Turkish Higher Education Council and the European Union countries.

ProgramMedical Doctor
الطب العام
Dental Medicine
طب الأسنان
Duration- year6 Years5 Yearsالمدة بالسنة
Credits360300عدد الساعات
Tuition fees- annual5000 USD3500 USDرسوم الدراسة-سنة

Tuition Fees at Universities in Georgia in 2021

Tuition fees at Ilia State University

Located in Tbilisi, Ilia State University (ISU) is a leading and comprehensive public research institution of higher education in the South Caucasus focusing on scientific advancement and first-class knowledge transfer to facilitate societal development.

Ilia State University was established in 2006 as an amalgamation of six different institutions, each with a long history and diverse institutional personality, and ranks first among research universities in the South Caucasus.

Its four colleges (College of Arts and Sciences, College of Natural Sciences and Medicine, College of Business, Technology and Education, and College of Law) offer distinguished training in their respective directions along with 30 institutes and centers for large and small research. Terminals - Create in-depth research opportunities in the social sciences, humanities, business, law, life sciences, earth sciences, and hard sciences.

ProgramsAnnual Tuition Fees
الرسوم الدراسية السنوية
Program Duration
مدة البرنامج
الدرجة العلمية
Bachelor of Business Administration in Management/Tourism3 000 USD4بكالوريوس إدارة أعمال في الإدارة / السياحة
Bachelor of Computer Engineering3500 USD4بكالوريوس هندسة كمبيوتر
Bachelor of Computer Science3500 USD4بكالوريوس في علوم الحاسوب
Bachelor of Civil Engineering3500 USD4بكالوريوس الهندسة المدنية
Bachelor of Electrical and Electronic Engineering3500 USD4بكالوريوس في الهندسة الكهربائية والإلكترونية
Master of Business Administration3500 USD2ماجستير في إدارة الأعمال
Master of Applied Genetics3000 USD2ماجستير في علم الوراثة التطبيقية
Medicine5300 USD6الطب البشري

Tuition Fees at Universities in Georgia in 2021

Tuition fees at university of Georgia

The University of Georgia (Tbilisi) was established in 2004 under the name “The Georgian University of Social Sciences”.

From 2005 until 2007 the university developed and grew significantly. Master's programs have been added to undergraduate programs during these years. By 2007, the university had already welcomed its first PhD program students.

 In 2010, for the first time in the post-Soviet era, the US agency OPIC (Overseas Private Investment Corporation) invested several million dollars in developing the university's infrastructure.

تخصصات صحيةAnnual Tuition FeesDuration by yearsHealth Programs
طب الأسنان5500 USD5Dentistry
الطب العام6000 USD6Medical Education (MD)
التمريض3500 USD4Nursing
الصيدلة4500 USD4Pharmacy

Bachelor programsAnnual Tuition FeesDurationتخصصات البكالوريوس
Business Administration (BBA)4000 USD4إدارة الأعمال
Engineering (Computer Science)4000 USD4هندسة في علم الكمبيوتر
Information Technology4000 USD4علم المعلومات
English Philology3000 USD4فقه اللغة الإنجليزية

Master’s programsAnnual Tuition FeesDurationتخصصات الماجستير
International Business Law Program4500 USD2القانون الدولي
Master’s of Business Administration (MBA)4000 USD2إدارة الأعمال
Educational Management3500 USD2إدارة التعليم
Information Technology4000 USD2علم المعلومات

Tuition Fees at Universities in Georgia in 2021

Tuition fees at ivane javakhishvili Tbilisi State University TSU

About the University: Tbilisi State University or Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University is a public research university established in 1918 in Tbilisi, Georgia.

TSU is the oldest university in Georgia and the Caucasus region. More than 23,500 students are enrolled and the total number of faculty and staff (collaborators) is 5,000. According to US News & World Report University Rankings, TSU is ranked 398 in the world, tied with the University of Warsaw.

The university has five campuses in the regions of Georgia, six colleges, 60 laboratories and centers for scientific research, a scientific library (with 3,700,000 books and periodicals), seven museums, a publishing house and a printing press (Tbilisis Universiteti newspaper).

ProgramAnnual Tuition FeesDurationCreditsالتخصص
Medicine 7000 USD6360الطب العام
Dentistry 7000 USD5300طب الأسنان

Tuition fees at Tbilisi State Medical University TSMU

Tbilisi State Medical University or Tbilisi State University (TSMU) is the main center of higher medical education in Georgia, with a history of nearly a hundred years. In fact, higher medical education in Georgia is about the same age as well. It is noteworthy to emphasize that thousands of TSMU graduates continue their careers in many leading clinics and institutions in Georgia, Europe and the world as a whole.

TSMU is a full member of the European Education Zone which means its active participation in the work of this educational system, setting directions for development and implementation, and establishing free and close scientific and academic relationships with educational, scientific and clinical centers around the world.

The increased attractiveness of TSMU from 72 countries to more than 2,500 international students can be considered a clear evidence of the international recognition of Tbilisi State Medical University. This means that every third student at TSMU is an international student.

ProgramAnnual Tuition FeesDurtionالتخصص
Medicine 8000 USD6الطب العام
Medicine US module13500 USD6البرنامج الأمريكي للطب
Dentistry 7000 USD5طب الأسنان
Pharmacy3500 USD4الصيدلة
Rehabilitation3000 USD4علاج طبيعي
Preparatory course1700 USD1سنة تحضيرية

Tuition Fees at Universities in Georgia in 2021

Tuition fees at New Vision University NVU

New Vision University (NVU) is a private, non-profit civic university, located in Tbilisi, Georgia. Founded in 2013, it is dedicated to promoting education, research and innovation. The NVU is organized into four academic units including: School of Medicine, School of Business and Information Technology, School of Law and School of Politics and Diplomacy.

Teaching takes place on an environmental campus for Bachelor's and Master's students while PhD students are placed in the PhD studies building.

In addition, the university also houses the University of New Vision Hospital and the Blood Bank which act as non-profit legal entities for the benefit of the public. The governing bodies of the University of New Vision are the Academic Council, the House of Representatives, and the School Boards.

 The Academic Council is the supreme governing body of the institution with the institute’s professors being the members of the Academic Council. The Academic Council makes all decisions unanimously, that is, on the basis of consensus.

 80% of New Vision University students are international, with about 40 foreign countries represented at the university.

ProgramAnnual Tuition FeesDurationCreditsالتخصص
Medicine 7000 USD6360الطب العام
Dentistry 7000 USD5300طب الأسنان

Bachelor programsAnnual Tuition FeesDurationتخصصات البكالوريوس
Business Administration (BBA)4000 USD4إدارة الأعمال
Engineering (Computer Science)4000 USD4هندسة في علم الكمبيوتر
Information Technology4000 USD4علم المعلومات
English Philology3000 USD4فقه اللغة الإنجليزية

Tuition fees at International Black Sea University IBSU

 IBSU started its research and teaching journey since 1995.

The university has created a multicultural, student-centered learning environment. A high standard of education is provided by invited local and international professors, and educational programs focus on transferable skills and activities. The teaching process includes modern teaching methods and is based on the latest technology.

Black Sea International University is an accredited and licensed higher education institution in Georgia, offering 24 degree programs in English in three courses: the first (BA), the second (MA) and the third (PhD) in education and humanities, computer technologies, engineering, business administration and social sciences.

ProgramTuition Fee
الرسوم الدراسية
Management7800 Lariإدارة
Finance7800 Lariتمويل
Business administration7800 Lariإدارة أعمال
Educational Science7800 Lariعلوم التربية
American Studies7800 Lariدراسات أمريكية
Accounting and audit7800 Lariالمحاسبة
Architecture7800 Lariهندسة معمارية
Economics7800 Lariاقتصاد
International Relations7800 Lari
English Philology7800 Lariالانجليزية فقه اللغة

ProgramTuition Fee
الرسوم الدراسية
Foreign Affairs7800 Lariالشؤون الخارجية
English Philology7800 Lariالانجليزية فقه اللغة
Education Administration7800 Lariإدارة التعليم
International Relations and Politics7800 Lariالعلاقات الدولية والسياسة
Comparative Commercial Law7800 Lariالقانون التجاري المقارن
Marketing7800 Lariتسويق
Management7800 Lariإدارة
Finance7800 Lariتمويل
Computer Science7800 Lariعلوم الكمبيوتر

التخصصTuition Fee
الرسوم الدراسية
إدارة أعمال7800 LariBusiness administration
علوم الكمبيوتر7800 LariComputer Science
علوم التربية7800 LariEducational Science
دراسات أمريكية7800 LariAmerican Studies

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