The most important advantages of living and life in Georgia

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دليل جورجيا للدراسة والسياحة Georgia Geoguide Geo Study guide

The most important advantages of living and life in Georgia

As the artist George Eliot said, the sky will never rain flowers, so if we want more flowers we must plant more trees, and this is indeed what Georgia has done to develop its natural and tourist resources, and despite the deterioration of life in Georgia in the past, and wars have had the largest share. In this deterioration, as it was one of the main reasons for the destruction of ancient historical monuments and palaces, and agriculture and trade were subjected to many successive crises, but it was able to rise again, and it is now considered one of the most important tourist and economic destinations in the world.

The most important advantages of living in Georgia

Georgia has succeeded for more than 19 years in attracting approximately 4,961,9186 tourists annually, in addition to millions of students and workers annually, which indicates that Georgia enjoys all security and safety factors, and Arab travelers are among the most frequent groups that flock to that region. We find in the country of Georgia and all its cities, all other classes of societies, and Georgia is not considered a specific religion or nationality.

You may find Turkish workers, Egyptian merchants, Saudi and Kuwaiti businessmen, and Georgia provides all possible assistance to all Arab and foreign communities, but despite the policy of strengthening relations with Arab countries, but there are some countries whose people are not allowed to enter Georgia except after taking all security measures. .

How to deal with locals in Georgia

Dealing with the local population depends on several different factors. The first factor focuses on mastering the English language, and therefore this matter makes it easier for you during work or study in particular, as Georgian universities require all students to master the language in order to deal with the professor and the curriculum, You can also deal in all areas of life, as you can deal with doctors if any health problem is exposed, or you can deal with local residents if you want to inquire about some things.

The second factor depends on the mastery of the Georgian language, which tourists need while wandering in the tourist areas densely populated by the local population, as that language enables them to facilitate communication, and therefore the ease of dealing, mixing and requesting the need are distinctive things that do not cause problems during wandering, and in the case of lack of mastery. The tourists have the language, they use some professional translators while touring so that they are not exposed to some problems.

The cost of living in Georgia is the cheapest in the world

One of the most important features that increase the demand of students and expatriates to Georgia is to reduce the cost of living there, as the state, the capital and neighboring cities provide for all residents therein, the cheapest prices are specialized in all areas of life, and if we take, for example, the idea of ​​renting some students an apartment for study and residence The prices of apartments range from 1002 to 1670 Georgian lari, and the cost varies in some tourist seasons.

With regard to transportation and public transportation prices, the cost price may vary according to each mode of transport, but it usually does not exceed ten dollars, but in the case of the cost of the flight cost, it may exceed 1002 Georgian lari, and sometimes free visas are granted to many Egyptian and Arab communities. And this matter is the main reason for the increasing turnout of Egyptians to reside in Georgia, but there are some countries that are not allowed to obtain that visa for unknown political reasons.

Get the best food and drinks in Georgia

Enjoy the Georgian restaurants offering the best interesting and fun food, where you can enjoy eating the best types of toasted bread, as well as offering the most delicious types of halal meat with delicious rice, as Georgia is characterized by its containment of the best natural pastures that contain the finest types of cows and livestock in the world, despite The price of meals varies in those restaurants, but they are all similar in the advantage of reducing the cost, so you can enjoy the most delicious meals at the lowest prices.

And the matter is not limited to serving halal meat in those restaurants that specialize in Arab Muslims, but there are other restaurants, owners of other religions eat delicious pork meat delicacies, in addition to serving the finest types of drinks, and all this and more is offered at the cheapest prices, which are affordable for all Social groups.

The banking sector is one of the most important sectors in Georgia

Georgia is currently relying on the latest fields of modern technology, which provides all citizens with the best means for banking transactions, where the customer can inquire about his bank account, which is opened in a way that does not contain any complications mentioned, that all you have to do in the event of a desire to open a bank account is Submit your passport and it will not take several hours for the account to open.

In the event that you want to make a deposit to obtain a material return through it, the Georgian banks allow you to obtain a percentage of those returns, the value may reach from 3% to 20%, depending on the value of the deposit, and if you want to open a personal account, the value may reach 10%, and Georgia enjoys the utmost security as no information is leaked to any particular destination.

Advantages of obtaining a residence permit in Georgia

That the residence permit in Georgia can be obtained in less than a few months if the procedures presented are verified, and the Georgian permits vary into several types, where the student can obtain the residence until the end of the study, and the property owner can obtain a real estate residence permit that extends Up to 5 years, renewable, and finally the investor can obtain an investment residence permit through which he can obtain citizenship after the expiry of the residence permit period, which exceeds 5 years.

Those who have residency in Georgia enjoy all the rights that the average citizen enjoys, that is, he has the right to vote, for example, or obtain all the rights that pertain to business in the case of working private or governmental companies, and they can also obtain a health insurance and social security card. In addition to the freedom to roam in all cities of Georgia without any complications or being stopped by the Georgian police.

The most important features of life in Georgia

Some that we reviewed with you the most important means of living, and let us review with you now the most important advantages that can be enjoyed by the average citizen in Georgia, where life in Georgia is not limited to work and study, but Georgia has all the elements of entertainment and pleasure that you can obtain in some official celebrations Enjoy the wonderful weather, clear skies, beautiful nature, and a fun party atmosphere.

Enjoy celebrating Mother’s Day in Georgia

It is known to all Arab peoples that Mother’s Day comes on March 21, but in Georgia the situation is different, as the day of celebrating Mother’s Day comes on March 3, and it is not only in Georgia that gifts are given and expressions of gratitude and gratitude are given only to the dear mother, Georgia has excelled in Making this day one of the best days of the year right for every Georgian mother, as celebrations are held on this day by going out to the streets of Georgia and its capitals and cities filled with the most beautiful that are sold along the road and everyone buys those flowers.

Then those flowers of the beloved mother are presented in every home of Georgia, and then special celebrations are held in all cities, as for the capital, Tbilisi, it is considered the main headquarters for those celebrations, as it performs artistic and musical performances in order to enjoy this day, and it is known that Those celebrations started their idea 30 years ago and are still being held with the same professionalism.

Enjoy celebrating Women’s Day in Georgia

The feast of the matter is hardly over unless another holiday comes that also celebrates women in the world of Georgia, as on March 8, Georgia celebrates Women’s Day in their own way, where husbands and children go to places designated for selling gifts, and the best fit is chosen to present to the wife, mother or Daughter, and it seems that Georgia is the only country in the world that has a special stamp on celebrations.

Georgia gives on this day the opportunity for all women to hold parties, receive his friends and celebrate with them through meetings for women, where special food and drinks are served, and enjoy songs and music, and most likely, women in that country enjoy a special place, as the state on this day grants the title of queen Snow falls on all Georgian women, which indicates the high status of women and recognition of their thanks is a national duty.

Enjoy celebrating Valentine’s Day in Georgia

 Georgia celebrates this holiday on April 15 instead of February 14, and the idea of ​​celebrating this day began more than 27 years ago, and it has been calculated as the basis of an official holiday that is celebrated on their own way, as couples and lovers celebrate on the path of roses, gifts and medicinal foods On this day, we may see Georgia restaurants full of every couple who want each of them to acknowledge their love and appreciation to the other.

As for Arab tourists, they are able to visit the city of Batumi, in order to enjoy Valentine’s Day through the statue of Ali and Nino, which represents the eternal love between a married couple, which fate did not give them the appropriate opportunity to live together, and celebrations are held around the moving statue throughout the day, where gifts are given and memorial photos are taken To commemorate this wonderful day.

Enjoy the celebration of Harvest Day in Georgia

   Harvest day is considered one of the most important days on which tourists flock to Georgia, where each of them can see the most beautiful agricultural lands loaded with exquisitely shaped and delicious grape fruits, and on this day all farmers gather to harvest these fruits in an atmosphere of joy and love, where all agricultural workers are distinguished. With hospitality and good manners, farmers’ families celebrate this day by picking grapes in large groups.

Where the matter is divided into groups, there are those who reap the fruits, and there are those who squeeze them, and there are some women who cook some fresh grape fruits in order to eat them in moments of rest, through which the old songs are enjoyed and conversations are exchanged with the Arab and foreign communities and often Some of them get some delicious drinks and delicious food.


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